Question : Why this days medical negligence can't be proved in high commission  while delivery my baby right hand got wound while delivery that time a doctor in cbe told nothing serious and after 5 day billed 1 lakh for that normal delivery we came home after 1 months we noticed that baby not able to lift the hand with plastic surgery doctor in a famous hospital in chennai we came to know because of the Doctor negligence it is been happened so we filled a case in state commission  but ever advocate saying that proving this we need a doctor support every one saying s this is medical negligence but not giving in written how can ask the court to make a test of my baby medically with all reports and check for medical negligence to prove it ? Find the best Advocates firm in Chennai for Medical negligence.

Unraveling Medical Negligence: Seeking Justice for Your Child

Medical negligence can be a harrowing experience, especially when it affects the well-being of your loved ones. In recent times, proving medical negligence in high commissions has become a challenge, leaving victims frustrated and in search of answers. This article sheds light on the difficulties faced by those seeking justice for medical negligence and provides guidance on how to navigate through this intricate process.

Understanding the Case:

Imagine a scenario where during childbirth, your newborn suffers an injury to their right hand. The attending doctor dismisses it as inconsequential, only to present you with a hefty bill for a normal delivery later. It is only after a month that you realize your baby cannot lift their hand. A specialist in a renowned Chennai hospital diagnoses this as a result of medical negligence. You decide to take legal action by filing a case in the state commission.

Challenges Faced:

The journey to prove medical negligence can be arduous. One of the key challenges is securing written confirmation from medical professionals regarding the negligence. Often, medical practitioners are reluctant to provide written statements that could potentially implicate them in a case. This leaves victims in a difficult situation, as written documentation is vital for presenting a strong case in court.

Seeking Justice:

While it may seem like an uphill battle, there are steps you can take to seek justice for your child's suffering due to medical negligence:

  1. Collect All Medical Records: Gather all medical records related to your child's birth, treatment, and subsequent diagnoses. These records will serve as crucial evidence in your case.
  2. Consult Legal Experts: Seek advice from experienced advocates who specialize in medical negligence cases, such as Rajendra Law Office in Chennai. They can provide insights into the legal aspects of your case and guide you through the process.
  3. Engage Medical Experts: In order to strengthen your case, consider engaging medical experts who can provide professional opinions on the negligence. Their expert testimony can be influential in court.
  4. Request the Court for a Medical Examination: You can petition the court to order a thorough medical examination of your child. This examination should include all necessary tests and assessments to determine the extent of the injury and establish whether it resulted from medical negligence.
  5. Seek Witnesses: If there were any witnesses present during the childbirth or who can testify to the subsequent medical negligence, gather their statements and contact information.
  6. Keep Records of Expenses: Maintain records of all expenses related to your child's medical treatment, including bills, invoices, and receipts. These documents can be crucial in calculating compensation.
  7. Stay Persistent: Proving medical negligence is not easy, and the process may be time-consuming. Stay persistent and continue to seek legal advice and assistance throughout the case.

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Medical negligence cases can be complex and emotionally draining, but with the right approach and legal support, justice can be achieved. Seek the counsel of advocates who specialize in medical negligence, gather compelling evidence, and don't hesitate to request a court-ordered medical examination for your child. While the journey may be challenging, the well-being of your loved ones is worth every effort in seeking the truth and rightful compensation.