SC:What is meaning of "taking Cognizance", how is it taken ?

_Held, term though not statutorily defined, yet judicial pronouncements give it a definite meaning and connotation - Cognizance broadly means taking judicial notice by competent court of a causes or matter presented before it so as to decide whether there is basis for initiating proceedings for judicial determination - Words and phrases - "Cognizance" (para 34)._

 _*Subramanian Swamy Vs. Manmohan Singh.*_

_*(2012) 3 SCC 64: (2012) 2 SCC (L&S) 666: (2012) 1 SCC (Cri) 1041: AIR 2012 SC 1185: 2012 Cri LJ 1519: (2012) 4 ALD 109.*_